Package sk.baka.ambient

Interface Summary
AppState.IAppStateAware Implemented by components that are aware of the global application state.
IApplicationListener Listener for application-wide events.
IBackgroundTask Notifies about a background task progress.
IPlaylistPlayerListener Listens for higher-level player and playlist events.

Class Summary
AmbientApplication Serves mainly for a primary access point to a singleton data structures and services, such as Library, PlaylistPlayer etc.
AppState A serializable application state.
AppStateHandler Handles application configuration and state storage.
BackgroundOpExecutor Able to execute multiple long operations running simultaneously in the background.
ConfigurationBean Contains current ambient configuration.
ErrorHandler Handles errors that occurs in the application.
ErrorHandler.ErrorInfo Contains information about an error.
NotifyingInputStream Notifies periodically the BackgroundOpExecutor about its progress.
PhoneStateHandler Handles the phone state events and reacts appropriately.
PlaybackNotificator Controls the notification shown when a track is being played.
PlaylistPlayer This is THE component :) Combines player and playlist.
PlaylistPlayerErrorHandler Handles errors received by MediaPlayer and tries to recover from them.
PowerHandler Ensures that the WiFi is not turned off while playing an online content.

Enum Summary
ActionsEnum Enumerates all actions that can be taken.
ConfigurationBean.TrackChangeNotifEnum A notification to show when the current playing track is changed.
ConfigurationBean.TrackChangeNotifLocationEnum A notification to show when the current playing track is changed.

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