Interface IBackgroundTask

All Known Implementing Classes:
BackgroundOpExecutor, TaskSwitcherController

public interface IBackgroundTask

Notifies about a background task progress. May be used for a progress reporting.


Method Summary
 void backgroundTask(int taskCount, String arbitraryTaskName, int progress, int maxProgress)
          Informs that a background task has been started or has ended.

Method Detail


void backgroundTask(int taskCount,
                    String arbitraryTaskName,
                    int progress,
                    int maxProgress)
Informs that a background task has been started or has ended.

taskCount - current task count. Ignored if used for progress reporting.
arbitraryTaskName - a name of random active task. null if no tasks are executed or the executor failed to obtain a name. If used for a progress reporting then this is the new name of the task.
progress - total current progress of all tasks. If used for a progress reporting then this is the progress of this task.
maxProgress - total maximum progress of all tasks. If used for a progress reporting then this is the maximum progress of this task.

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