Packages that use CategoryItem | |
sk.baka.ambient.activity.main.cb | |
sk.baka.ambient.collection | |
sk.baka.ambient.collection.ampache | |
sk.baka.ambient.collection.local |
Uses of CategoryItem in sk.baka.ambient.activity.main.cb |
Constructors in sk.baka.ambient.activity.main.cb with parameters of type CategoryItem | |
TrackManager(CategoryManager parent,
CategoryItem categoryItem)
Creates new track manager. |
Uses of CategoryItem in sk.baka.ambient.collection |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection that return CategoryItem | |
CategoryItem |
Builds new category item. |
CategoryItem |
ICollection.deserializeItem(String serializedItem)
Deserializes item serialized by ICollection.serializeItem(CategoryItem) . |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection that return types with arguments of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
ICollection.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
Returns category list matching given criteria. |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection with parameters of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
ICollection.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
Returns category list matching given criteria. |
CategoryItem.Builder |
CategoryItem.Builder.getData(CategoryItem item)
Fills this builder with data from given item. |
List<TrackMetadataBean> |
ICollection.getTracks(CategoryItem context)
Returns all tracks contained in given category. |
String |
ICollection.serializeItem(CategoryItem item)
Returns ID returned by this collection in the id as
String. |
Method parameters in sk.baka.ambient.collection with type arguments of type CategoryItem | |
static void |
CollectionUtils.sortByName(List<CategoryItem> items)
Sorts given category item list by name . |
static void |
CollectionUtils.sortByYearName(List<CategoryItem> items)
Sorts given category item list by name . |
Uses of CategoryItem in sk.baka.ambient.collection.ampache |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.ampache that return CategoryItem | |
CategoryItem |
CollectionImpl.deserializeItem(String serializedItem)
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.ampache that return types with arguments of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getAlbums(String substring)
Returns albums from Ampache. |
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getArtistAlbums(String artistId,
String substring)
Returns albums for given artist. |
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getArtists(String substring)
Returns artists from Ampache. |
List<CategoryItem> |
CollectionImpl.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getGenreAlbums(String genreId,
String substring)
Returns albums for given genre. |
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getGenreArtists(String genreId,
String substring)
Returns artists for given genre. |
List<CategoryItem> |
AmpacheClient.getGenres(String substring)
Returns albums from Ampache. |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.ampache with parameters of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
CollectionImpl.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
List<TrackMetadataBean> |
CollectionImpl.getTracks(CategoryItem context)
String |
CollectionImpl.serializeItem(CategoryItem item)
Uses of CategoryItem in sk.baka.ambient.collection.local |
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.local that return CategoryItem | |
CategoryItem |
MediaStoreCollection.deserializeItem(String serializedItem)
CategoryItem |
CollectionImpl.deserializeItem(String id)
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.local that return types with arguments of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
MediaStoreCollection.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
List<CategoryItem> |
CollectionImpl.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
Methods in sk.baka.ambient.collection.local with parameters of type CategoryItem | |
List<CategoryItem> |
MediaStoreCollection.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
List<CategoryItem> |
CollectionImpl.getCategoryList(CategoryEnum request,
CategoryItem context,
String substring,
boolean sortByYear)
List<TrackMetadataBean> |
MediaStoreCollection.getTracks(CategoryItem context)
List<TrackMetadataBean> |
CollectionImpl.getTracks(CategoryItem context)
String |
MediaStoreCollection.serializeItem(CategoryItem item)
String |
CollectionImpl.serializeItem(CategoryItem item)