Uses of Class

Packages that use Id3v2Tag

Uses of Id3v2Tag in entagged.audioformats.mp3

Methods in entagged.audioformats.mp3 that return Id3v2Tag
static Id3v2Tag Id3V2TagConverter.convert(Id3v2Tag tag, int targetVersion)
          This method will convert the given tag into the given Id3v2 version.
Allowed values for targetVersion are:
ID3V23 ID3V24 The version of the given tag must be lower than the one to be converted two.


Methods in entagged.audioformats.mp3 with parameters of type Id3v2Tag
static Id3v2Tag Id3V2TagConverter.convert(Id3v2Tag tag, int targetVersion)
          This method will convert the given tag into the given Id3v2 version.
Allowed values for targetVersion are:
ID3V23 ID3V24 The version of the given tag must be lower than the one to be converted two.


Uses of Id3v2Tag in entagged.audioformats.mp3.util

Methods in entagged.audioformats.mp3.util that return Id3v2Tag
 Id3v2Tag data, boolean[] ID3Flags, byte version)
          This method reads an ID3V2 tag from the given ByteBuffer at its curren pointer location.
 Id3v2Tag raf)
          This method reads the given file and searches for an ID3V2 Tag.

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